Victoria Gulliksen
Victoria has been in the saddle since her early days. From a young age, she embraced riding, forging a deep bond with the horses. She is now managing Stall Gullik's foreign base in Belgium where she lives with her boyfriend Jordy. Beyond her technical prowess, Victoria exemplifies the values of sportsmanship and dedication. Her commitment to the welfare of her horses, combined with an unyielding work ethic, sets her apart as a true role model in the world of equestrian sports. She approaches every competition with a winning spirit, yet remains humble and gracious in both victory and defeat. Victoria's accomplishments in show jumping stand as a testament to her unwavering commitment to the sport. Her journey is a source of inspiration for aspiring equestrians worldwide, and her future in the saddle promises even greater achievements. // "The horses mean a lot. It is probably the love for the horses that started it all, and I am probably a little more emotional for both the horses and the sport."